Wahhhhhhh! We used credit. I'll just say it. GUILTY AS CHARGED!!! Charged? Sheesh, funny thing. We charged, and charged.
What if I tell you that we had two kids go from a uniform school to non uniform schools. They needed clothes. They also needed just a few church outfits. What if I say that when we pulled one from one private school into another and had to pay some hefty app/reg fees and a larger tuition. Oh, hubby's job messed up on his paycheck, it was significantly lower than expected. That awesome truck we paid cash for two years ago has broke down with big expenses twice in 6 weeks, and the jetta is literally a pc of junk. That itself has costs us a few bucks. (But less than any sorta car payment added up).
Well, truth be told, we paid cash for almost all of those things that we ended up using credit just to pay the bills. I told myself it was ok, it was just going to be a bill here and there. Paying cash for those things came at a price. We used the credit card also for things like gas, groceries, (and a few eating out ventures. Ah who am I kidding, we ate out LOTS!!!) and now we are stuck with interest and another 9 months of trying to get out of it. uh, ha......ha????? Okay, so not really funny, but sad, scary, depressing, disappointing.
However, I see that minor setback as a great thing. Sorta. As we realized the credit card, which has a lower limit, was close to being maxed out we realized real fast that we had no idea but to get our butts in gear. A few months ago I ordered Dave Ramsey's envelope system/coupon organizer. We pulled that out this week and I got it going. Check book is fully balanced and ready to help hold us accountable. SO cash it is for gas, groceries (Which included eating out) and for medical (any co pays as we have one little one with special needs and goes weekly to OT). So this is just a start but when the cash is gone, the spending in done.
Yeah, it's that easy. We have done it before.
I am not sure I have any readers left but if so share your goals. Well, I think there may be one of you. Hi DAD! ;)
Happy New Year!!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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