Swag Bucks

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Being more Green AND Saving Money


So for those of you that know me know that I LOVE TUPPERWARE! I thought that if there is anyone else who does as well I'd drop you the website of the gal we go to for ours. I know many of you are thinking it is too expensive or don't want to go to a party for it. First, you can order through the website or from the book. No need to have a party to order. Second, is it really more expensive than all the sandwich/freezer baggies and Ziploc, glad ware and plastic containers that you use but you throw those away after a few uses if not after the first?

For those of you that are trying to "go green" consider this:

~Tupperware products are safe. The microwavable ware has NO harsh chemicals that seep out and into your food.They are environmentally friendly because you will reuse them a thousand times over.

~They are 100% lifetime, yes I said LIFETIME guarantee on chips, breaks, etc....If you have some old brown pc of Tupperware from 1973 and it is cracked or thrown at the bottom of the drawer, consider getting it replaced, for free. They have so many amazing products that I use in lunches alone. I DO NOT use sandwich baggies, I use sandwich keepers. I do not buy water bottles anymore or Capri suns, I use lids with cups, their travel tumblers, etc.. I don't use snack baggies for their snackies, I use the snack cups with lids.

~I use the Fridgesmart (The orange rectangle container in top photo) to save me A LOT of money with fruits and veggies. As soon as I get home from the store I throw my fruits and veggies right into the Fridgesmart. I have had lettuce last at least a month, strawberries for a good two weeks, peppers and carrots for longer! They save money because I have not thrown away a fruit or veggie since using them. MONEY SAVER!

~I use the modular mates and/or the cereal storer for all my cereal once opened. I have an overstock of cereal and we go in spurts with eating it. I have NEVER thrown cereal away, because it never gets stale. Also if you have any trouble with bugs, ants or any other critter (thanks goodness I haven't yet) then Tupperware is crucial to have.
Again, why is it better than all the other plastics at the stores?

~Because you purchase the item once and never have to again. The warranty is enough for me.

Sound like a sales woman?? I don't mean to be but I do have this secret obsession with Tupperware. They have great stuff for the freezer, storage, baking, cooking, serving and for kids. I am not having a party, just blogging on something that I have become passionate about due to trying to save money. Buying storage baggies and plastic containers to use once are not on the list, plus, half of the time they are not safe for the microwave.

Check out Melissa's website for the latest colors for summer. And GO GREEN/er and use Tupperware, not baggies and bottle and throw aways.

1 comment:

  1. I too love tupperware. I 'sold' it a few years back for the discount, but stocked up. I'm actually having a party next month too. :o) Its fun to see someone else with the obsession.
