Swag Bucks

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Freezer Meal Makin Mamma's

So this is the newest of my adventures. Four of us gals decided to meet up with two recipe's each and make our 8 meals together. We made quadruple the amounts and we each got one of each of the eight recipes to take home and freeze. I must admit I have eaten 2 of mine in just a few days. And one didn't even make it to the freezer. At this rate we will have to get together every other week. :)

There are more than a few reasons for encouraging you all to find other women to do this with. If you happen to be a male reading this, encourage your wife to do this. This is a great way to save money, enjoy some girl time, prepare healthy meals for your family and make life just a bit easier with a busy schedule. Taking a wholesome meal out of the freezer to thaw and throwing in it the oven, microwave or crock pot is extremely easy and awesome. Nothing like a day long to prepare meal made in just minutes.

So I encourage you to all get a group together and give it a try. Some tips:
1. Get together the week before and double, triple etc... your recipes to how many women are coming. Compile the grocery list.
2. One or more that can do the shopping. After, you split the cost. There you have it. (for 8/9 meals our cost was just less tahn $50 each. We got 2 meals out of the Taco soup recipe)
3.Bring plenty of crock pots, large pots, fry pans, cutting boards and be ready to be washing dishes hroughout the meal making process.
4.Start early on cooking day. Cook all the meats in bulk then measure to separate to each recipe.
5. Most importantly, if you are making soups or stews, start those first. Make them first. For a few reasons. The chopping and cutting take a long time. The cooking process for the ingredients to soften take quite a while AND you will want to pull off burner/turn off crock pot etc... and let cool some before measuring the soup our equally into freezer bags.
*Side Note... The freezer bags (Glad brand) DID NOT melt when we put the steaming hot stew into them. We gave it a try. So far it was a success.
6. Most importantly HAVE A BLAST!!!

Not only has this helped me with dinners it gave me new and fun foods for myself the the family to try. I also loved more than anything the fellowship I had with the women I did this with. That really was my favorite part. We have amazing conversations, laughed and left with only a few minor injuries. Okay, okay, so I was the only one who walked away with a small burn and a sliced open thumb. But all in all this was the most fun thing I have ever done.

I'll post some of the recipes soon. ;) Keep on living like noone else. Plan your meals so you are not tempted to waste money eating out. Continue to say NO to credit cards. Live on that zero balance budget. Happy meal making everyone.